Wild West Repeater Replicas
Samurai Swords and museum quality collectible replicas are for sale in a variety of styles and types. There are over thirty categories such as Samurai, Medieval, Military and officially licensed movie replicas. We have been selling swords and collectibles online since 2003. We also carry medieval shields, battle helmets, sword displays and other popular replicas. We securely accept credit cards and PayPal.
Model 1873 Western Replica
Price: $159.99
Western Replica Model 1873 Western Replica. 38 1/2" overall. Blued finish octagonal barrel with engraved brass finish receiver. Wood stock with antique brass finish fittings. Beautifully detailed replica, made in Spain. These are non-firing display replicas. Great for display, reenactment, stage props, collecting and theatre.
Model 1866 Western Replica
Price: $159.99
Model 1866 Western Replica. 38 1/2" overall. Antique nickel silver finish octagonal barrel and receiver. Wood stock with antique nickel silver finish fittings. Beautifully detailed replica, made in Spain. These are non-firing display replicas. Great for display, reenactment, stage props, collecting and theatre.
Bess Musket with Bayonet Replica
Price: $169.99
Brown Bess Musket with Bayonet Replica. Musket is 58 3/4" overall. Antique nickel silver finish receiver and barrel. Wood stock with brass fittings. Also comes with 20 1/4" overall bayonet with antique nickel silver finish. These are non-firing display replicas. A true find for any antique collector, clubs, stage combat or display.